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Valeo PQA Audit

Author : Time:2022-01-05

From Nov 3 to Nov 5, Valeo Quality team has come to our company to do the site audit of PQA.

This the final approval before SOP and we have passed the audit with no doubt.

Three days audit provided us precious opportunity to learn from the latest management and technical standard. During this process, we are like seeing in a mirror for ourselves and we looks clearly what we have and what we don't have.

Valeo's quality engineer visited our site and our machine. We have two machines for valeo products and both of them are automatic machine. This kind of machine requires lots of knowledge for the operation and maintenance. After check the process step by step, Valeo QA raised questions very professionally which are also the doubts in our R&D mind. And at the same time, he provided us the solution from his experience. This impressed me a lot.

I can sense the equality and friendliness from the whole process. We are parties targeting on communication and helping each other. I think this is the core of win-win cooperation.

Problem or issue is not a big thing. As long as we have strict and scentific process, we can solve problems together. In this way, Valeo win the trust and respect from his partner. And we win the knowledge and experience from the audit.

Hopefully, we can grow to an international company like Valeo. This may takes hundreds of audit from customer and ourselves. This is the process of learning and growing.

Next: Two Sessions